
Service of fountains

"Aqua Brand": professional service of fountains

A fountain needs professional service, because it is a complex system including electrical, hydraulics, and programming elements. Some types of service cannot be performed by the person who has no relevant experience. The "Aqua Brand" company does not only project engineering and construction of fountains, but we think over all details of the facility’s future operation so the operating organization’s representatives are able to take care of the fountain in the most comfortable way. In some cases, as a rule for fountains with light and music works, remote access and video surveillance are set for operational control and correction works.

The main problems of fountain operation

The main problem during the fountain operation is the formation of dirt and calcium on the inner surfaces. Dirt can get into a construction by different ways. Calcium accumulates usually due to hard water. Because of accumulation of debris and calcium a fountain becomes clogged, its sprayers stop working properly, the water becomes muddy. To prevent these problems, in addition to the special equipment installation it is necessary to periodically clean the fountain and add the necessary reagents to the water.

The "Aqua Brand" company builds fountains which are easy to care for. However, specialist services are essential. Fountain service on order is a whole complex of works. Workers not only clean bowls, but also check pipes and tune sprayers and spotlights.

Another problem is the disorder of sprayers. If a fountain produces water not as smoothly as before, you should call the specialists.

Fountain seasonal service

A fountain needs conservation before fall in temperature. Our company can do such complex of works. In some cases, the construction should be covered, so that the snow does not fall into the bowl. Otherwise, the consequences are inevitable. Before the onset of cold weather it is necessary to prepare the fountain: clean up dirt and calcium, drain and blow all the water from the equipment and pipes, close its technological holes and do many other works.

When spring comes, the construction should be reactivated. This work should be performed according to particular sequence. Otherwise, the fountain will not operate properly. Surely, after a long period of inactivity the fountain should be cleaned.

The company will promptly solve the fountain problems even if they appeared suddenly and in case of necessity to prepare the fountain urgently for season or some event.